Dear friends of railroads!
Welcome to the page which is devoted to a small part of the czech 1st
railway transit corridor! The last part of its north branch was to join
Prague and Kralupy nad Vltavou in a 19 Kilometres long section.
The initial reason why such web has come into being was the huge amount
of snaps that were taken during the reconstruction time. We would like to show at least
a bit of them, so you can make an image of how it is going.
Important notice: all the information given here have got the
character of an interest raising page. It means they do not serve as an official presentation
of the reconstruction. For this purpose, Please, make inquiry with the aid of general contractor's
page - SKANSKA S, plc. - in the [Links] section or on the right side,
All the photos are allowed to be published with their makers.